Grief Support
Our Care for You Extends Far Beyond the Service
Unlike many funeral homes, we don’t believe our responsibility to your family ends when the service is over. We are there for you throughout the grief process – which looks different for everyone. If you need help in the weeks and months after losing a loved one, we hope you will call us or reach out to us using our contact form for more information about our aftercare resources.
Helping Yourself with Grief
Someone you love has died. You are now faced with the difficult, but important, need to mourn. Mourning is the open expression of your thoughts and feelings regarding the death and the person who died. It is an essential part of healing. The following articles provide many practical suggestions to help you move toward healing in your unique grief journey.
For and About Grieving Children and Teenagers
Children and teenagers have special needs following the death of a friend or family member. The following articles provide wonderful insight in helping children and teens understand and express their grief.
Thank you Chad. From my first conversation with Chad, before I met him, he is still helping me in this process.